Our co-evolution with the plant kingdom for the past half a billion years has resulted in the very genetic/molecular fabric of our body depending on certain key compounds from plants in our diet, delivered in natural form, not irradiated, overly-cooked or petrochemically-farmed… usually raw.
Most food contains vitamins, protein, amino acids, caloric content – but more and more research is confirming that some foods also have “gene And epigene regulatory codes” that appear to help prevent major Illnesses – possibly even AIDS.
This article is a (very slightly) edited copy from the “Health Benefits of Garlic”.
One explanation for the general efficacy of garlic revealed in recent studies is that garlic contains very specific gene and epigene regulatory information, ‘packets’ of energy and information contained within the conformational state of the biomolecules found within these plant tissues.
We are all of us (and everything ‘outside’ of us), quite literally, Nature!
The world seems mesmerized by the false promises of pharmaceutical industry marketing copy and aggressively marketed dietary supplements (they have to be, they’re making money, not healing).
Many of the supplements are manufactured by the same companies making a killing off patented chemicals (Bayer owns One A Day, Pfizer owns Centrum), so it is reassuring to know that the kitchen pantry will never fail us…
Inexpensive, time-tested, safe and delicious, many spices are attaining recognition for being, quite literally, ‘lifesaving,’ which is likely one reason why, in ancient times, many were (literally) worth their weight in gold.
We all know that garlic is not shy to make its presence known. The smallest culinary dose is enough to suffuse the entire body with its aroma.
(Try rubbing a piece of raw garlic on your instep – a few minutes and you can actually taste it!)
Garlic also permeates the research literature: the biomedical database known as MEDLINE, provided by the National Library of Medicine, contains 4245 study abstracts on garlic, a number of which we have indexed and organized for your use on our site: Health Benefits of Garlic.
A cursory perusal of the literature there indicates that garlic has a significant role to play in preventing or treating well over 150 health conditions, ranging from cancer to diabetes, infection to plaque build-up in the arteries, DNA damage to mercury poisoning.
In fact, a strong argument can be made (pun intended) that expanding the availability of garlic around the world as both a food and a medicine could prevent millions of deaths annually. According to World Health Organization statistics, the populations of poorer countries die manly from causes directly connected to communicable infectious diseases, which incidentally are not caused by a lack of vaccines, rather, primarily through under-nutrition and malnourishment, lack of sanitation and hygiene, as well as the adverse physiological consequences of the depression and stress associated with poverty. The greater use and availability of garlic might provide a perfect alternative to global vaccine initiatives, the use of which are driven less by compelling scientific research, and more by political and economic forces. Garlic is easier to acquire and distribute, and can often be grown by the affected persons or communities affected, making it essentially free.
Garlic Versus the #1 Cause of Death for the Poorest Countries
As far as the research goes, garlic has immensely powerful anti-infective properties, experimentally confirmed to kill the following:-
Viral Infections: Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus and human rhinovirus type 2.
Group B Streptococcus Infection[25] [26]
(Nothing like apple cider vinegar… I use a teaspoon of Turmeric with each tablespoon of vinegar to ease the joint pains – even though there is no “scientific evidence”! - t.d. ed.)
Given that conventional antibiotics are not only failing, but driving bacteria and viruses into greater lethality, we can’t wait around for the multi-billion dollar clinical trial-based drug approval process to turn its attention to a non-patentable natural substance. Such a profit-oriented approach would be highly unethical.
Garlic Versus the Developed World’s #1 and #2 Killers
The research on greenmedinfo-com shows garlic has value in 167 health conditions or disease symptoms, but the greatest density of research indicates garlic’s role in preventing and/or treating Cardiovascular Disease and Cancers, the two primary causes of death within high-income countries.[27]This is an interesting finding. The drug industry has been fantasizing about a so-called ‘polypill’ for quite some time, an idea involving mixing various patented medicines together for a condition like heart disease (e.g. blood pressure, cholesterol, blood thinner), but to no avail. Patented chemicals have far too many side effects, so when you mix them together, you only compound their multitudinous chemical toxicities. Natural substances, on the other hand, and especially those which play a role in culinary traditions as “spices,” appear to have the opposite karma. Namely, they have far more ‘side benefits’ than ‘side effects. Resveratrol
Garlic’s cardioprotective effects include:
Beneficially decreases white adipose tissue, increases white adipose tissue around heart muscle.[31]
Vascular Inflammation[42]
Garlic, like so many other complex foods, contains a wide range of phytocompounds that articulate at least 150 distinct physiological responses in the mammalian body.How can this be so?
One explanation is that all foods contain not only physical building blocks, e.g. carbs, proteins, lipids, and are not only a source of energy (caloric content), but contain gene and epigene regulatory information. There are ‘packets’ of energy and information contained within the conformational state of the biomolecules found within these plant tissues. Our co-evolution with the plant kingdom for the past half a billion years has resulted in the very genetic/molecular fabric of our body depending on certain key compounds from plants in our diet, delivered in natural form, not irradiated, overly-cooked, petrochemically-farmed. Garlic’s ability to fit like a key, into many different types of locks (an impossible feat for monochemical ‘magic bullets’), reflects an likely infinitely complex intelligence in the relationship between plant and animal species. Which speaks to how important foods are not simply as ‘medicine,’ but that from which our bodily health grows organically, and without which disease is a natural consequence.