Tuesday, 29 January 2013

General jobs done in January

 Dinners off the land.
 Organising the wood shed and cutting wood
 New 7ft fencing goes around the chook house, this hopefully will keep them little guys in and those bigger guys out!
 As we have been getting a regular 3 eggs a day recently i thought i would make the chooks some new state of the art perches

 Various clearing and tidying in the orto ready for spring including these new tyre raised beds

 Sorting out the green house with a new water irrigation system

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

I alone cannot change society for the better. But i can radically change my own conciousness, overturning the conditioning that limits my potential. We can all do this one by one, over time we can change ourselves to the degree that society changes from the inside out. Giving birth to a new way of being. Manifesting our birthright of living in a peaceful, free and abundant world. Have no fear, trust yourself, follow your heart. Live your true potential.

Friday, 11 January 2013

replacing our broken water pipe

Laying 200 meter of new water pipe from house to the tarmac road above seems to have eradicated any major leaks (9 litres per min) which we were having with the old pipe. Has all been a bit of a nightmare going back and forth a kilometer each time to the village above where our meter is and our pipe starts to do the tests. Been on this now for the last 2 weeks solid and there may still be a leak although now maybe as little as 20ml per minute . The DRAMA continues!!