Friday, 11 January 2013

replacing our broken water pipe

Laying 200 meter of new water pipe from house to the tarmac road above seems to have eradicated any major leaks (9 litres per min) which we were having with the old pipe. Has all been a bit of a nightmare going back and forth a kilometer each time to the village above where our meter is and our pipe starts to do the tests. Been on this now for the last 2 weeks solid and there may still be a leak although now maybe as little as 20ml per minute . The DRAMA continues!!


  1. Wow! Nine liters of leak is way too much! Not only are you paying for the water you didn’t use, but that’s also a waste of clean water. It’s great that the amount of leak is lesser now, but with major water pipe problems like this one, it’s best if you seek professional help.

    Allen Hoffman

  2. That was too much water wasted! I hope, for the sake of the environment, that this leak was fixed immediately. It may not seem as bad as 9 liters per minute, but 20ml per minute is still a lot over time.

    H Itzkowitz @

  3. Hopefully, that will resolve your issues with water woes. I understand that in situations like these, pipe tests usually take longer, but I still cringe at the thought of how the water bills have probably skyrocketed with the amount of water wasted during those weeks. I hope that wasn’t the case.

    Roxanne Vaughn @ Total Plumbing, Inc.
